Dark Chests are definitely one of the most searched items that all players in Call of Dragons always want to open due to the huge amount of rewards it offers.

Call of Dragons Dark Chests
1. Dark Chests are filled with the supplies that Darklings have plundered, and Darkling Guards will protect them with their lives.
2. You must defeat Darkling Guards before you can open Dark Chests. Dark Chests require Dark Keys to open.
3. After defeating a certain number of Darkling Patrols and Dark Creatures, Dark Keys can be claimed from Daily Challenges.

4. You can obtain a maximum of 2 Dark Keys per day, and hold a maximum of 5 Dark Keys in your Items.
4. After all Darkling Guards have been defeated, Dark Chests will only be available for a period of time. During this time, all players can spend Dark Keys to open Dark Chests and gain the rewards within. Each Dark Chest can only be opened once by each player.
5. After a Dark Chest has been opened, a new horde of Darkling Guards will appear after a period of time.
6. Every time an Alliance Member opens a Dark Chest, all members will receive an Alliance Gift. Alliances can receive a maximum of 100 Alliance Gifts from Dark Chests per day.

How to get Dark Keys?
- Defeat a certain number of Darkling Patrols and Dark Creatures to claim Dark Keys. You can claim up to 2 Dark Keys per day.
- Dark Chests are filled with resources plundered by Darklings, and Dark Keys are required to open them.
- Before a Dark Chest can be opened, all Darkling Guards surrounded the Chest must be defeated. Darkling Guards are powerful enemies—it’s a good idea to team up with other Alliance Members and deploy multiple Legions.
- You may own up to 5 Dark Keys at a time.
- Daily Challenges are refreshed at 00:00 UTC, resetting your Prestige from that day and the number of Dark Keys you can claim.