Roots of War Guide & Strategies (30 vs 30 Alliance Battleground)

Ready to join the new adventure with huge gameplay, combats, and rewards in Call of Dragons? Welcome to the Roots of War event!

Here are everything you should know about it: Strategies, rules, tips, and recommended combat combos.

Call of Dragons Roots of War Gameplay

  1. After registering for Roots of War, your Alliance will be matched against an opponent determined by your ranking. Your Matchmaking Rating, number of combatants, and number of recent victories determine your ranking.
  2. After Alliances have been matched as opponents, one team will play as Lucia’s forces (blue) while the other will play as Yaen’s forces (gold).
  3. Once the battle begins, players can score personal points by defeating the enemy team’s units. Occupying buildings and gathering from Lunambrite Pools will score points for both you and your Alliance.
  4. Delivering Lifestone to one of your team’s buildings or a neutral building will score a large number of points for both you and your Alliance.
  5. Once the match is over, the team with the highest number of Alliance points wins. Players will receive rewards based on their personal point score and whether their team won or lost the match.

Roots of War Registration: How to Join

1. To qualify for registration, your Alliance must be in the top 20 in your server’s Alliance Power Rankings, and you must own at least 10 Alliance Towers by the time registration opens. Alliance Leaders and Officers can register through the event page.

2. After registration opens, players can only take part in Roots of War through their current Alliance. You cannot take part in the same round of Roots of War if you move to a new Alliance.

3. Players who join an Alliance after registration opens cannot join their Alliance’s team or receive rewards for Roots of War.

4. When registration ends, the Alliance’s team roster will be locked and cannot be changed.

Player Management

Alliance Leaders and Officers can nominate upto 30 combatants and 10 substitutes for their team roster.

Eligible players must have joined the Alliance before the start of registration, and must be at least City Level 16.

How to Get into the Battlefield

When Roots of War begins, players will be transported to a brand-new map.

Before entering the battlefield, please make sure that you do not have any Legions deployed and you are not in War Frenzy mode.

Having severely wounded units in your Hospital does not affect your ability to enter the battlefield. Severely wounded units are transported to the battlefield and deployed in battle.

Start of Battle in War of Roots

Preparation Phase:

As players from both teams enter the battlefield, they have 3 minutes to prepare. During this time, neither team can occupy buildings or deploy Legions, but they can set Alliance Markers.

Battle Phase:

  • Phase 1: Buildings are open. Lucia and Yaen’s forces begin their epic battle.
  • Phase 2: Lifestone appears on the Lifestone Pedestal. The battle reaches its apex.
  • End Phase: Scores are calculated. The Alliance with the highest total score wins.




By the time registration for Roots of War begins, your Alliance must fulfil the following conditions to qualify for registration:

  1. Your Alliance must be in the top 20 of your server’s
  2. Your Alliance must own at least 10 Alliance Towers


By the time registration for Roots of War begins, you must be a member of your Alliance and your City must be at least level 16 to join your Alliance’s team.

Combat Rules

Battle: Combat rules for Roots of War are the same as the main game. All combatants can march freely.


  1. Units cannot die during Roots of War, but they can be wounded. Wounded units are sent to the Druid Hut for healing.
  2. There is no limit to the capacity of your Druid Hut.
  3. Severely wounded units can be healed by selecting either Elixir Healing or Resource Healing.

Field of View

  1. The battlefield is covered by a fog of war, obscuring your view of the enemy.
  2. Every Legion has a limited field of view, and can only see enemy Legions within their field of view.
  3. All members of an Alliance share the same field of view.


  1. During Roots of War, both Alliances can summon a Behemoth to the battlefield 3 times.
  2. Only the Beastmaster may summon Behemoths. The Behemoth will appear next to the Beastmaster’s camp. The Behemoth can be controlled by the Beastmaster the same way as in the main game.
  3. An Alliance can only summon 1 Behemoth at a time.

Feature Restrictions

Certain game features are restricted during Roots of War.

  1. While the battlefield is open, all member management features and certain other features are temporarily disabled. Alliance Gifts can still be claimed.
  2. While they are on the battlefield, players cannot send Alliance Help or Resource Assistance to members on their server.
  3. While they are on the battlefield, players cannot deploy Legions in the main game.
  4. While they are on the battlefield, players cannot change their nicknames.
  5. While players are on the battlefield, any new Heroes, Artifacts, or combat units they obtain cannot be included in Roots of War. Buffs conferred by upgrading buildings, increasing your Honorary Membership level, researching technologies, or changing City Theme will not take effect either.
  6. Players on the battlefield can only deploy one Scout at a time.

Roots of Wars Score System

  1. Players and Alliances score points the first time they occupy a building, and also score points periodically for continuously occupying buildings. Certain buildings (such as the Tree of Healing or Tree of Courage) also confer buffs.
  2. Players score points when they defeat enemy units, but their Alliances do not.
  3. When Lifestone appears, you have 15 minutes to deliver it to a destination. When the 15 minute period ends, the Lifestone will disappear. 1 minute later, a new Lifestone will appear at a random Lifestone Pedestal.
  4. If you deliver Lifestone to a Lunambrite Pool, it will be dropped there and can be picked up by other players. If you deliver Lifestone to a Safe Zone, it will respawn at its original Lifestone Pedestal shortly afterwards without granting your team points.
  5. Successfully deliver Lifestone to one of your team’s buildings or a neutral building to deliver score a large amount of points. Each time Lifestone is successfully delivered, the number of points both teams can gain from the next successful delivery increases.
FeatureActivityAlliance PointsPlayer Points
HallFirst Occupation
Ongoing Occupation
TreeFirst Occupation
Ongoing Occupation
Guard TowerFirst Occupation
Ongoing Occupation
Lvl 1 Lunambrite PoolGathering33150
Lvl 2 Lunambrite PoolGathering49225
Lvl 3 Lunambrite PoolGathering66300
KillsAttacking10K Power = 40
KillsDefending10K Power = 80
KillsField10K Power = 40

Battle Sync

Get access to the Battle Sync via the icon located at the top right of the Roots of War home screen.


  1. When Battle Sync is active, all your Heroes are upgraded to their max level. This does not affect Heroes in the main game.
  2. Battle Sync does not change Heroes’ Star Ratings or Skill Levels.
  3. Changes you make to Hero Talent configurations while Battle Sync is active only apply to Campaigns. There are 5 presets available on the Talent page: Recommendation #1, Recommendation #2, Recommendation #3, Imported (your Hero’s current custom Talent configuration in the main game) , , and Manual.
  4. Imported and Manual presets must be configured first. After they have been configured, you can switch between them freely.

All of your heroes are leveled up to 60 here. There will be some default talent trees available already for you to use, but you can adjust them further based on our best talent trees as well.

The hero skills and star are based on your original skill levels of the original gameplay.


  1. When Battle Sync is active, all Artifacts are upgraded to their max level. This does not affect Artifacts in the main game.
  2. Battle Sync does not change Artifacts’ Star Ratings or Skill Levels.
  3. Artifacts that are equipped to Heroes in the main game will also be equipped to them in Campaigns.

Legion Capacity Increase

When Battle Sync is active, your Policies will not apply to Campaigns, but your Legion Capacity will be increased. The increase to your Legion Capacity will change as the Season progresses.

SeasonLegion Capacity Increase


When Battle Sync is active, you can only use Elixir that is allocated to you during the Campaign to heal your Legions.

As the Season progresses, the amount of Elixir Healing and Resource Healing available will change, as will your Elixir Production Speed.

The amount of Resource Healing you can use is unlimited.

Available Buffs

When Battle Sync is active, certain buff effects will be changed during Campaigns.

Roots of Wars Rewards

Below are the huge rewards you can get from Roots of Wars

Roots of War Map & Buildings


In Roots of War, two teams are locked in fierce battle, taking up roles as followers of either Queen Lucia or High Lord Yaen. Lucia’s forces are rallied under the blue banner on the top half of the battlefield, while Yaen’s forces are rallied under the golden banner on the bottom half.


In Roots of War, there are 3 Lifestone Pedestals placed across the battlefield. Periodically, Lifestone will appear at one of the Pedestals, and both teams must fight to obtain it. Deliver Lifestone to one of your team’s buildings or a neutral building to score a large amount of points.

When Lifestone is delivered, it will respawn shortly afterwards. Each time Lifestone is successfully delivered, the number of points granted by its next successful delivery increases. If you deliver Lifestone to a Lunambrite Pool, it will be dropped there and can be picked up by other players. If you deliver Lifestone to a Safe Zone, it will respawn at its original Lifestone Pedestal shortly afterwards without granting your team points.


The Halls of the Elven Kingdom stand mightily among the forests of the Queenswood, a symbol of the splendor of the holy wellspring of Ffynon. Occupying a Hall grants your Alliance a large number of points.

Tree of Courage

The Tree of Courage grew from the seeds of Pren Hynafol, the Ancient Tree. Neither time nor adversity has weakened its mighty bark. Occupy the Tree of Courage to increase the ATK and DEF of all your team members.

Tree of Healing

The Tree of Healing grew from the seeds of Pren Hynafol, the Ancient Tree. Its delicate leaves, imbued with the mercy of nature, are used to relieve pain. Occupy the Tree of Healing to increase Elixir Production Speed and Legion HP for all members of your team.


Outposts have long stood throughout Elven lands, bearing witness to flowing rivers, migrating birds, rustling leaves, and marching soldiers. As night falls and the moon’s light grows dim, their gentle light guides travelers onward. Occupying an Outpost expands your Alliance’s field of view, as well as granting a small number of points.

Lunambrite Pools

Elk can often be found resting by Lunambrite Pools. The pool’s gentle waters nourish nearby vegetation, causing them to grow solid stems which bear Lunambrite instead of flowers. When the moon shines down upon them, Lunambrite Pools shimmer with a gentle blue light, and their waters impart a effect when imbibed.

In Roots of War, deploying Legions to gather from Lunambrite Pools grants points to both you and your Alliance; however, your Legion must return to your camp after gathering in order for these points to be added to your score. Lunambrite Pools can be emptied by gathering from them. Pools are refilled 3 times during the course of the battle.

Roots of Wars Story

After the Night of Burning Stars, the Elven Queen awakened the power of Pren Hynafol—the Ancient Tree which stands mightily upon the banks of the holy wellspring of Ffynon. In the hopes of training warriors who could turn back the tide of darkness, she bade the tree’s roots to reach back into the past, creating a safe yet grueling battleground where the heroes of the future could prove themselves in Elfkind’s greatest struggle.

In the year 700, High Lord Yaen—corrupted by his pursuit of forbidden magic—led his army in an almighty assault against the Queenswood while the Queen lay in a centuries-long slumber. The Lifestone, the Elves’ last hope of reviving her, remained no more than a long-forgotten myth. Could new life bloom once more from the holy wellspring? Or would the flames of Yaen’s fury reduce it to a blasted wasteland?

Assuming their roles as followers of Queen Lucia or High Lord Yaen, the Lords of the realm have the chance to witness one of the greatest battles Tamaris has ever known—and, perhaps, to rewrite history.

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