Looking for proper Call of Dragons talent tree builds for your heroes? On this page, we have collected all of the best builds from top players for all heroes of the game to make sure you have the best possible Legions on the field.
Understanding how to adjust and optimize your heroes is crucial when it comes to finishing different contents of the game.
Two players having the same types of troops and similar power going into combats, who has a better talent tree build wins.
Best Call of Dragons Talent Tree Builds

Gwanwyn Talent Trees
Credits: Abused Panda
One of the 3 starting heroes in Call of Dragon. She is a fantastic early-game hero that helps you eradicate the darkling with extreme efficiency. She is easy to level up, great at fighting the Behemoths, and great at PVP if built up properly.
- Recommended Artifact: Shadow Blade
- Recommended Pairings: Hosk, Madeline, Kregg, Atheus, Alistair.
Field Battle Build – Single Target & Mobility
The talent build focuses on basic attack which tends to turn the hard shell of the opponent into something that’s squishy and tender. Relying havily on basic attack also means you have the mobility to move around in a bad situation and not worry that the rage gain to use a skill is lost.
Best Pairings:
- Hosk: Best pair available at the moment using his skill 1 and 3.
- Madeline: Possible makeshift choice as there aren’t many hero’s that boost base attack.
- Kregg: Easy to form a pair as event gives a lot of his medals early game.
- Atheus: Alternative choice due to skill 1,2 and half of 3 working.
- Alistair: Alternative choice due to skill 1 and 2 working.
Peacekeeping – Single Target

The talent build focuses on basic attack which tends to turn the hard shell of the opponent into something that’s squishy and tender. Relying havily on basic attack also means you have the mobility to move around in a bad situation and not worry that the rage gain to use a skill is lost.
Best Pairings:
- Nika: In case you get a ton of them early on. Good skill 1 and 2.
- Emrys: In case you get a ton of them early on. Good skill 1 and 2.
- Kregg: Easy to form a pair as event gives a lot of his medals early game.
- Atheus: Alternative choice due to skill 1,2 and half of 3 working.
- Alistair: Alternative choice due to skill 1 and 2 working.
1 vs 1 – Single Target & Nuking Damage

The talent build focuses on stats gain as during early game you may lack the stats and it’s an easy way to gain a ton. This tree also focuses on heavy nuke drop so you’d want to pair with deputy who excel in using skill damage.
Best Pairings:
- Nika: In case you get a ton of them early on. Good skill 1 and 2.
- Emrys: In case you get a ton of them early on. Good skill 1 and 2.
- Kregg: Easy to form a pair as event gives a lot of his medals early game.
- Atheus: Alternative choice due to skill 1,2 and half of 3 working.
- Alistair: Alternative choice due to skill 1 and 2 working.
Peacekeeping – Single Target

The talent build focuses on hurting darklings so you can have a solid army hunting them while the rest farm experience without any trouble.
Best Pairings:
- Nika: In case you get a ton of them early on. Good skill 1 and 2.
- Emrys: In case you get a ton of them early on. Good skill 1 and 2.
- Kregg: Easy to form a pair as event gives a lot of his medals early game.
- Atheus: Alternative choice due to skill 1,2 and half of 3 working.
- Alistair: Alternative choice due to skill 1 and 2 working.

Bakhar Talent Trees
Credits: Abused Panda
He is an aggresive hero in Call of Dragons who does fantastic when used with mobility and swiftness. Very good at PVP purpose or filling up an extra army slot.
- Recommended Artifact: Giant’s Bone, Springs of Silence, Cloak of Stealth.
- Recommended Pairings: Nika, Medaline, Atheus, Alistair.
Field Battle – Single Target & Mobility
The talent build focuses on surprising your opponent by moving to the backlane and beat them up. Therefore you’ve one chance to make or break it. Relying heavily on march speed and skill damage.
Recommended Artifact: Cloak of Stealth
Best Pairings:
- Nika: The Tree is built focusing on her being the deputy in mind.
- Melanie: Another pair great with this build due to the sustain and counter attack she provides.
- Atheus: Possible choice to test out the build.
- Alistair: Possible choice to test out the build.
1 vs 1 – Single Target

The talent build focuses lvsl to trade merits in a peaceful kingdom and relies heavily on skill damage.
Recommended Artifacts: Giant’s Bone & Springs of Silence
Best Pairings:
- Nika: Works wonderfully for a lvsl fight who can destroy the cavalry, archer and mages alike.
- Atheus: Not the best but what other choices do you have lol.
- Alistair: Not the best but what other choices do you have lol.

Waldyr Talent Trees

Liliya Talent Trees

Kregg Talent Trees

Alwyn Talent Trees

Eliana Talent Trees

Atheus Talent Trees

Alistair Talent Trees

Theia Talent Trees

Emrys Talent Trees

Nico Talent Trees

Nika Talent Trees

Bakshi Talent Trees

Velyn’s Talent Trees

Kinnara Talent Trees

Madeline Talent Trees

Farming Talent Tree
Read more: Farming Guide
Why gwanwyn with atheus if atheus first skill doesn’t work with her?
Because of the other buffs
Garwood is now clickable the last 5 weeks. Please fix that